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Class Lidgren::Network::NetXorEncryption

ClassList > Lidgren > Network > NetXorEncryption

Example class; not very good encryption.

Inherits the following classes: Lidgren::Network::NetEncryption

Public Functions

Type Name
override bool Decrypt (NetIncomingMessage msg)
Decrypt an incoming message.
override bool Encrypt (NetOutgoingMessage msg)
Encrypt an outgoing message.
NetXorEncryption (NetPeer peer, byte[] key)
NetXorEncryption constructor.
NetXorEncryption (NetPeer peer, string key)
NetXorEncryption constructor.
override void SetKey (byte[] data, int offset, int count)

Public Functions inherited from Lidgren::Network::NetEncryption

See Lidgren::Network::NetEncryption

Type Name
bool Decrypt (NetIncomingMessage msg)
Decrypt an incoming message in place.
bool Encrypt (NetOutgoingMessage msg)
Encrypt an outgoing message in place.
NetEncryption (NetPeer peer)
void SetKey (string str)
void SetKey (byte[] data, int offset, int count)

Protected Attributes inherited from Lidgren::Network::NetEncryption

See Lidgren::Network::NetEncryption

Type Name
NetPeer m_peer

Public Functions Documentation

function Decrypt

inline override bool Lidgren::Network::NetXorEncryption::Decrypt (
    NetIncomingMessage msg

function Encrypt

inline override bool Lidgren::Network::NetXorEncryption::Encrypt (
    NetOutgoingMessage msg

function NetXorEncryption [1/2]

inline Lidgren::Network::NetXorEncryption::NetXorEncryption (
    NetPeer peer,
    byte[] key

function NetXorEncryption [2/2]

inline Lidgren::Network::NetXorEncryption::NetXorEncryption (
    NetPeer peer,
    string key

function SetKey

inline override void Lidgren::Network::NetXorEncryption::SetKey (
    byte[] data,
    int offset,
    int count

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/Lidgren.Network/Encryption/NetXorEncryption.cs