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Class Lidgren::Network::NetException

ClassList > Lidgren > Network > NetException

Exception thrown in the Lidgren Network Library.

Inherits the following classes: Exception

Public Functions

Type Name
NetException ()
NetException constructor.
NetException (string message)
NetException constructor.
NetException (string message, Exception inner)
NetException constructor.

Public Static Functions

Type Name
void Assert (bool isOk, string message)
Throws an exception, in DEBUG only, if first parameter is false.
void Assert (bool isOk)
Throws an exception, in DEBUG only, if first parameter is false.

Public Functions Documentation

function NetException [1/3]

inline Lidgren::Network::NetException::NetException () 

function NetException [2/3]

inline Lidgren::Network::NetException::NetException (
    string message

function NetException [3/3]

inline Lidgren::Network::NetException::NetException (
    string message,
    Exception inner

Public Static Functions Documentation

function Assert [1/2]

static inline void Lidgren::Network::NetException::Assert (
    bool isOk,
    string message

function Assert [2/2]

static inline void Lidgren::Network::NetException::Assert (
    bool isOk

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/Lidgren.Network/NetException.cs