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Class Lidgren::Network::NetConnectionStatistics

ClassList > Lidgren > Network > NetConnectionStatistics

Statistics for a NetConnection instance.

Public Properties

Type Name
property long DroppedMessages
Gets the number of dropped messages for this connection.
property long ReceivedBytes
Gets the number of received bytes for this connection.
property long ReceivedMessages
Gets the number of received messages for this connection.
property long ReceivedPackets
Gets the number of received packets for this connection.
property long ResentMessages
Gets the number of resent reliable messages for this connection.
property long SentBytes
Gets the number of sent bytes for this connection.
property long SentMessages
Gets the number of sent messages for this connection.
property long SentPackets
Gets the number of sent packets for this connection.

Public Functions

Type Name
override string ToString ()
Returns a string that represents this object.

Public Properties Documentation

property DroppedMessages

long Lidgren.Network.NetConnectionStatistics.DroppedMessages;

property ReceivedBytes

long Lidgren.Network.NetConnectionStatistics.ReceivedBytes;

property ReceivedMessages

long Lidgren.Network.NetConnectionStatistics.ReceivedMessages;

property ReceivedPackets

long Lidgren.Network.NetConnectionStatistics.ReceivedPackets;

property ResentMessages

long Lidgren.Network.NetConnectionStatistics.ResentMessages;

property SentBytes

long Lidgren.Network.NetConnectionStatistics.SentBytes;

property SentMessages

long Lidgren.Network.NetConnectionStatistics.SentMessages;

property SentPackets

long Lidgren.Network.NetConnectionStatistics.SentPackets;

Public Functions Documentation

function ToString

inline override string Lidgren::Network::NetConnectionStatistics::ToString () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/Lidgren.Network/NetConnectionStatistics.cs