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Class Lidgren::Network::NetBitVector

ClassList > Lidgren > Network > NetBitVector

Fixed size vector of booleans.

Public Properties

Type Name
property int Capacity
Gets the number of bits/booleans stored in this vector.
property bool this[int index]
Gets the bit/bool at the specified index.

Public Functions

Type Name
void Clear ()
Sets all bits/booleans to zero/false.
int Count ()
Returns the number of bits/booleans set to one/true.
bool Get (int bitIndex)
Gets the bit/bool at the specified index.
int GetFirstSetIndex ()
Gets the first (lowest) index set to true.
bool IsEmpty ()
Returns true if all bits/booleans are set to zero/false.
NetBitVector (int bitsCapacity)
NetBitVector constructor.
void RotateDown ()
Shift all bits one step down, cycling the first bit to the top.
void Set (int bitIndex, bool value)
Sets or clears the bit/bool at the specified index.
override string ToString ()
Returns a string that represents this object.

Public Properties Documentation

property Capacity

int Lidgren.Network.NetBitVector.Capacity;

property this[int index]

bool Lidgren.Network.NetBitVector.this[int index];

Public Functions Documentation

function Clear

inline void Lidgren::Network::NetBitVector::Clear () 

function Count

Returns the number of bits/booleans set to one/true.

inline int Lidgren::Network::NetBitVector::Count () 


function Get

inline bool Lidgren::Network::NetBitVector::Get (
    int bitIndex

function GetFirstSetIndex

inline int Lidgren::Network::NetBitVector::GetFirstSetIndex () 

function IsEmpty

inline bool Lidgren::Network::NetBitVector::IsEmpty () 

function NetBitVector

inline Lidgren::Network::NetBitVector::NetBitVector (
    int bitsCapacity

function RotateDown

inline void Lidgren::Network::NetBitVector::RotateDown () 

function Set

inline void Lidgren::Network::NetBitVector::Set (
    int bitIndex,
    bool value

function ToString

inline override string Lidgren::Network::NetBitVector::ToString () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/Lidgren.Network/NetBitVector.cs