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Class Lidgren::Network::MWCRandom

ClassList > Lidgren > Network > MWCRandom

Multiply With Carry random.

Inherits the following classes: Lidgren::Network::NetRandom

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
new readonly MWCRandom Instance = = new MWCRandom()
Get global instance of MWCRandom.

Public Static Attributes inherited from Lidgren::Network::NetRandom

See Lidgren::Network::NetRandom

Type Name
NetRandom Instance = = new MWCRandom()
Get global instance of NetRandom (uses MWCRandom)

Public Functions

Type Name
virtual override void Initialize (uint seed)
(Re)initialize this instance with provided 32 bit seed
void Initialize (ulong seed)
(Re)initialize this instance with provided 64 bit seed
MWCRandom ()
Constructor with randomized seed.
virtual override uint NextUInt32 ()
Generates a random value from UInt32.MinValue to UInt32.MaxValue, inclusively.

Public Functions inherited from Lidgren::Network::NetRandom

See Lidgren::Network::NetRandom

Type Name
virtual void Initialize (uint seed)
(Re)initialize this instance with provided 32 bit seed
NetRandom ()
Constructor with randomized seed.
NetRandom (int seed)
Constructor with provided 32 bit seed.
override int Next ()
Generates a random value that is greater or equal than 0 and less than Int32.MaxValue.
override int Next (int maxValue)
Returns a random value is greater or equal than 0 and less than maxValue.
override int Next (int minValue, int maxValue)
Returns a random value is greater or equal than minValue and less than maxValue.
bool NextBool ()
Returns true or false, randomly.
virtual void NextBytes (byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)
Fills all bytes from offset to offset + length in buffer with random values.
override void NextBytes (byte[] buffer)
Fill the specified buffer with random values.
override double NextDouble ()
Returns random value larger or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.
int NextInt32 ()
Generates a random value greater or equal than 0 and less or equal than Int32.MaxValue (inclusively)
float NextSingle ()
Returns random value is greater or equal than 0.0f and less than 1.0f.
virtual uint NextUInt32 ()
Generates a random value from UInt32.MinValue to UInt32.MaxValue, inclusively.
ulong NextUInt64 ()
Generates a random value between UInt64.MinValue to UInt64.MaxValue.

Protected Functions inherited from Lidgren::Network::NetRandom

See Lidgren::Network::NetRandom

Type Name
override double Sample ()
Returns random value is greater or equal than 0.0 and less than 1.0.

Public Static Attributes Documentation

variable Instance

new readonly MWCRandom Lidgren.Network.MWCRandom.Instance;

Public Functions Documentation

function Initialize [1/2]

inline virtual override void Lidgren::Network::MWCRandom::Initialize (
    uint seed

Implements Lidgren::Network::NetRandom::Initialize

function Initialize [2/2]

inline void Lidgren::Network::MWCRandom::Initialize (
    ulong seed

function MWCRandom

inline Lidgren::Network::MWCRandom::MWCRandom () 

function NextUInt32

inline virtual override uint Lidgren::Network::MWCRandom::NextUInt32 () 

Implements Lidgren::Network::NetRandom::NextUInt32

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/Lidgren.Network/NetRandom.Implementations.cs