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Struct UserLandscapeData

ClassList > UserLandscapeData

Stores all the received user data.

  • #include <ManusSDKTypes.h>

Public Attributes

Type Name
Color color
uint32_t dongleID
uint32_t id
uint32_t leftGloveID
char name
UserProfileLandscapeData profile
uint32_t rightGloveID
uint32_t userIndex

Public Attributes Documentation

variable color

Color UserLandscapeData::color;

variable dongleID

uint32_t UserLandscapeData::dongleID;

variable id

uint32_t UserLandscapeData::id;

variable leftGloveID

uint32_t UserLandscapeData::leftGloveID;

variable name

char UserLandscapeData::name[MAX_NUM_CHARS_IN_USERNAME];

variable profile

UserProfileLandscapeData UserLandscapeData::profile;

variable rightGloveID

uint32_t UserLandscapeData::rightGloveID;

variable userIndex

uint32_t UserLandscapeData::userIndex;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/cppSDK/SDKClient/ManusSDKTypes.h