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Struct ChainSetup

ClassList > ChainSetup

Stores the chain setup information.

  • #include <ManusSDKTypes.h>

Public Attributes

Type Name
uint32_t dataIndex
ChainType dataType
uint32_t id
uint32_t nodeIdCount
uint32_t nodeIds
ChainSettings settings
Side side
ChainType type

Public Attributes Documentation

variable dataIndex

uint32_t ChainSetup::dataIndex;

variable dataType

ChainType ChainSetup::dataType;

variable id

uint32_t ChainSetup::id;

variable nodeIdCount

uint32_t ChainSetup::nodeIdCount;

variable nodeIds

uint32_t ChainSetup::nodeIds[MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH];

variable settings

ChainSettings ChainSetup::settings;

variable side

Side ChainSetup::side;

variable type

ChainType ChainSetup::type;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/cppSDK/SDKClient/ManusSDKTypes.h