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File SDKClient.cpp

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#include "SDKClient.hpp"
#include "ManusSDKTypes.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

#include "ClientPlatformSpecific.hpp"

#define GO_TO_DISPLAY(p_Key,p_Function) if (GetKeyDown(p_Key)) { ClearConsole();\
        m_CurrentInteraction = std::bind(&SDKClient::p_Function, this); return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;}

#define GO_TO_MENU_IF_REQUESTED() if (GetKeyDown('Q')) { ClearConsole();\
        m_CurrentInteraction = nullptr; return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;}

SDKClient* SDKClient::s_Instance = nullptr;

    s_Instance = this;

    // using initializers like these ensure that the data is set to its default values.


    s_Instance = nullptr;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::Initialize()
    if (!PlatformSpecificInitialization())
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedPlatformSpecificInitialization;

    // although resizewindow is not technically needed to setup the SDK , it is nice to see what we are doing in this example client.
    // thus we make sure we have a nice console window to use.
    // if this fails, then the window is being resized during startup (due to windows management tools) or by giving it invalid values.
    if (!ResizeWindow(m_ConsoleWidth, m_ConsoleHeight, m_ConsoleScrollback))
        // An error message will be logged in the function, so don't print anything here.
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToResizeWindow;

    const ClientReturnCode t_IntializeResult = InitializeSDK();
    if (t_IntializeResult != ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to initialize the Core functionality. The value returned was {}.", t_IntializeResult);
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToInitialize;

    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::Run()

    ClientReturnCode t_Result{};
    while (!m_RequestedExit)
        if (m_ConsoleClearTickCount >= 100 || m_State != m_PreviousState)

            m_ConsoleClearTickCount = 0;


        // in this example SDK Client we have several phases during our main loop to make sure the SDK is in the right state to work.
        m_PreviousState = m_State;
        switch (m_State)
        case ClientState::ClientState_PickingConnectionType:
            t_Result = PickingConnectionType();
            if (t_Result != ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success) { return t_Result; }
        } break;
        case ClientState::ClientState_LookingForHosts:
            t_Result = LookingForHosts();
            if (t_Result != ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success &&
                t_Result != ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToFindHosts) {
                return t_Result;
        } break;
        case ClientState::ClientState_NoHostsFound:
            t_Result = NoHostsFound();
            if (t_Result != ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success) { return t_Result; }
        } break;
        case ClientState::ClientState_PickingHost:
            t_Result = PickingHost();
            if (t_Result != ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success) { return t_Result; }
        } break;
        case ClientState::ClientState_ConnectingToCore:
            t_Result = ConnectingToCore();
            if (t_Result != ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success) { return t_Result; }
        } break;
        case ClientState::ClientState_DisplayingData:
            if (m_CurrentInteraction == nullptr)
                t_Result = DisplayingData();
                t_Result = m_CurrentInteraction();
            if (t_Result != ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success) { return t_Result; }
        } break;
        case ClientState::ClientState_Disconnected:
            t_Result = DisconnectedFromCore();
            if (t_Result != ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success) { return t_Result; }
            spdlog::error("Encountered the unrecognized state {}.", static_cast<int>(m_State));
            return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_UnrecognizedStateEncountered;
        } // switch(m_State)

        if (GetKeyDown(VK_ESCAPE))
            spdlog::info("Pressed escape, so the client will now close.");

            m_RequestedExit = true;


    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::ShutDown()
    const SDKReturnCode t_Result = CoreSdk_ShutDown();
    if (t_Result != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to shut down the SDK wrapper. The value returned was {}.", t_Result);
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToShutDownSDK;

    if (!PlatformSpecificShutdown())
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedPlatformSpecificShutdown;

    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

void SDKClient::OnConnectedCallback(const ManusHost* const p_Host)
    spdlog::info("Connected to manus core.");

    //No need to initialize these as they get filled in the CoreSdk_GetVersionsAndCheckCompatibility
    ManusVersion t_SdkVersion;
    ManusVersion t_CoreVersion;
    bool t_IsCompatible;

    const SDKReturnCode t_Result = CoreSdk_GetVersionsAndCheckCompatibility(&t_SdkVersion, &t_CoreVersion, &t_IsCompatible);

    if (t_Result == SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        const std::string t_Versions = "Sdk version : " + std::string(t_SdkVersion.versionInfo) + ", Core version : " + std::string(t_CoreVersion.versionInfo) + ".";

        if (t_IsCompatible)
            spdlog::info("Versions are compatible.{}", t_Versions);
            spdlog::warn("Versions are not compatible with each other.{}", t_Versions);
        spdlog::error("Failed to get the versions from the SDK. The value returned was {}.", t_Result);

    uint32_t t_SessionId;
    const SDKReturnCode t_SessionIdResult = CoreSdk_GetSessionId(&t_SessionId);
    if (t_SessionIdResult == SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success && t_SessionId != 0)
        spdlog::info("Session Id: {}", t_SessionId);
        s_Instance->m_SessionId = t_SessionId;
        spdlog::info("Failed to get the Session ID from Core. The value returned was{}.", t_SessionIdResult);

    ManusHost t_Host(*p_Host);
    s_Instance->m_Host = std::make_unique<ManusHost>(t_Host);

    // Only setting state to displaying data on automatic reconnect
    if (s_Instance->m_State == ClientState::ClientState_Disconnected)
        s_Instance->m_State = ClientState::ClientState_DisplayingData;

void SDKClient::OnDisconnectedCallback(const ManusHost* const p_Host)
    spdlog::info("Disconnected from manus core.");
    s_Instance->m_TimeSinceLastDisconnect = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    ManusHost t_Host(*p_Host);
    s_Instance->m_Host = std::make_unique<ManusHost>(t_Host);
    s_Instance->m_State = ClientState::ClientState_Disconnected;

void SDKClient::OnSkeletonStreamCallback(const SkeletonStreamInfo* const p_SkeletonStreamInfo)
    if (s_Instance)
        ClientSkeletonCollection* t_NxtClientSkeleton = new ClientSkeletonCollection();

        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_SkeletonStreamInfo->skeletonsCount; i++)
            CoreSdk_GetSkeletonInfo(i, &t_NxtClientSkeleton->skeletons[i].info);
            t_NxtClientSkeleton->skeletons[i].info.publishTime = p_SkeletonStreamInfo->publishTime;
            CoreSdk_GetSkeletonData(i, t_NxtClientSkeleton->skeletons[i], t_NxtClientSkeleton->skeletons[i].info.nodesCount);
        if (s_Instance->m_NextSkeleton != nullptr) delete s_Instance->m_NextSkeleton;
        s_Instance->m_NextSkeleton = t_NxtClientSkeleton;

void SDKClient::OnRawSkeletonStreamCallback(const SkeletonStreamInfo* const p_RawSkeletonStreamInfo)
    if (s_Instance)
        ClientRawSkeletonCollection* t_NxtClientRawSkeleton = new ClientRawSkeletonCollection();

        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_RawSkeletonStreamInfo->skeletonsCount; i++)
            CoreSdk_GetRawSkeletonInfo(i, &t_NxtClientRawSkeleton->skeletons[i].info);
            t_NxtClientRawSkeleton->skeletons[i].info.publishTime = p_RawSkeletonStreamInfo->publishTime;
            CoreSdk_GetRawSkeletonData(i, t_NxtClientRawSkeleton->skeletons[i], t_NxtClientRawSkeleton->skeletons[i].info.nodesCount);
        if (s_Instance->m_NextRawSkeleton != nullptr) delete s_Instance->m_NextRawSkeleton;
        s_Instance->m_NextRawSkeleton = t_NxtClientRawSkeleton;

void SDKClient::OnTrackerStreamCallback(const TrackerStreamInfo* const p_TrackerStreamInfo)
    if (s_Instance)
        TrackerDataCollection* t_TrackerData = new TrackerDataCollection();


        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_TrackerStreamInfo->trackerCount; i++)
            CoreSdk_GetTrackerData(i, &t_TrackerData->trackerData[i]);
        if (s_Instance->m_NextTrackerData != nullptr) delete s_Instance->m_NextTrackerData;
        s_Instance->m_NextTrackerData = t_TrackerData;

void SDKClient::OnGestureStreamCallback(const GestureStreamInfo* const p_GestureStream)
    if (s_Instance)
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_GestureStream->gestureProbabilitiesCount; i++)
            GestureProbabilities t_Probs;
            CoreSdk_GetGestureStreamData(i, 0, &t_Probs);
            if (t_Probs.isUserID)continue;
            if ( != s_Instance->m_FirstLeftGloveID && != s_Instance->m_FirstRightGloveID)continue;
            ClientGestures* t_Gest = new ClientGestures();
            t_Gest->info = t_Probs;
            uint32_t t_BatchCount = (t_Gest->info.totalGestureCount / MAX_GESTURE_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE) + 1;
            uint32_t t_ProbabilityIdx = 0;
            for (uint32_t b = 0; b < t_BatchCount; b++)
                for (uint32_t j = 0; j < t_Probs.gestureCount; j++)
                t_ProbabilityIdx += t_Probs.gestureCount;
                CoreSdk_GetGestureStreamData(i, t_ProbabilityIdx, &t_Probs); //this will get more data, if needed for the next iteration.

            if ( == s_Instance->m_FirstLeftGloveID)
                if (s_Instance->m_NewFirstLeftGloveGestures != nullptr) delete s_Instance->m_NewFirstLeftGloveGestures;
                s_Instance->m_NewFirstLeftGloveGestures = t_Gest;
                if (s_Instance->m_NewFirstRightGloveGestures != nullptr) delete s_Instance->m_NewFirstRightGloveGestures;
                s_Instance->m_NewFirstRightGloveGestures = t_Gest;

void SDKClient::OnLandscapeCallback(const Landscape* const p_Landscape)
    if (s_Instance == nullptr)return;

    Landscape* t_Landscape = new Landscape(*p_Landscape);
    if (s_Instance->m_NewLandscape != nullptr) delete s_Instance->m_NewLandscape;
    s_Instance->m_NewLandscape = t_Landscape;
    CoreSdk_GetGestureLandscapeData(s_Instance->, (uint32_t)s_Instance->m_NewGestureLandscapeData.size());

void SDKClient::OnSystemCallback(const SystemMessage* const p_SystemMessage)
    if (s_Instance)

        switch (p_SystemMessage->type)
        case SystemMessageType::SystemMessageType_TemporarySkeletonModified:
            // if the message was triggered by a temporary skeleton being modified then save the skeleton index,
            // this information will be used to get and load the skeleton into core
            s_Instance->m_ModifiedSkeletonIndex = p_SystemMessage->infoUInt;
            s_Instance->m_SystemMessageCode = p_SystemMessage->type;
            s_Instance->m_SystemMessage = p_SystemMessage->infoString;

void SDKClient::OnErgonomicsCallback(const ErgonomicsStream* const p_Ergo)
    if (s_Instance)
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_Ergo->dataCount; i++)
            if (p_Ergo->data[i].isUserID)continue;

            ErgonomicsData* t_Ergo = nullptr;
            if (p_Ergo->data[i].id == s_Instance->m_FirstLeftGloveID)
                t_Ergo = &s_Instance->m_LeftGloveErgoData;
            if (p_Ergo->data[i].id == s_Instance->m_FirstRightGloveID)
                t_Ergo = &s_Instance->m_RightGloveErgoData;
            if (t_Ergo == nullptr)continue;
            CoreSdk_GetTimestampInfo(p_Ergo->publishTime, &s_Instance->m_ErgoTimestampInfo);
            t_Ergo->id = p_Ergo->data[i].id;
            t_Ergo->isUserID = p_Ergo->data[i].isUserID;
            for (int j = 0; j < ErgonomicsDataType::ErgonomicsDataType_MAX_SIZE; j++)
                t_Ergo->data[j] = p_Ergo->data[i].data[j];

float SDKClient::RoundFloatValue(float p_Value, int p_NumDecimalsToKeep)
    // Since C++11, powf is supposed to be declared in <cmath>.
    // Unfortunately, gcc decided to be non-compliant on this for no apparent
    // reason, so now we have to do this.
    float t_Power = static_cast<float>(std::pow(
    return std::round(p_Value * t_Power) / t_Power;

void SDKClient::AdvanceConsolePosition(short int p_Y)
    if (p_Y < 0)
        m_ConsoleCurrentOffset = 0;
        m_ConsoleCurrentOffset += p_Y;


ClientReturnCode SDKClient::InitializeSDK()
    // before we can use the SDK, some internal SDK bits need to be initialized.
    // however after initializing, the SDK is not yet connected to a host or doing anything network related just yet.
    const SDKReturnCode t_InitializeResult = CoreSdk_Initialize(m_ClientType);
    if (t_InitializeResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to initialize the Manus Core SDK. The value returned was {}.", t_InitializeResult);
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToInitialize;

    const ClientReturnCode t_CallBackResults = RegisterAllCallbacks();
    if (t_CallBackResults != ::ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to initialize callbacks.");
        return t_CallBackResults;

    // after everything is registered and initialized as seen above
    // we must also set the coordinate system being used for the data in this client.
    // (each client can have their own settings. unreal and unity for instance use different coordinate systems)
    // if this is not set, the SDK will not connect to any Manus core host.
    CoordinateSystemVUH t_VUH;
    t_VUH.handedness = Side::Side_Left; // this is currently set to unreal mode.
    t_VUH.up = AxisPolarity::AxisPolarity_PositiveY;
    t_VUH.view = AxisView::AxisView_ZFromViewer;
    t_VUH.unitScale = 1.0f; //1.0 is meters, 0.01 is cm, 0.001 is mm.

    const SDKReturnCode t_CoordinateResult = CoreSdk_InitializeCoordinateSystemWithVUH(t_VUH, false);
    /* this is an example if you want to use the other coordinate system instead of VUH
    CoordinateSystemDirection t_Direction;
    t_Direction.x = AxisDirection::AD_Right;
    t_Direction.y = AxisDirection::AD_Up;
    t_Direction.z = AxisDirection::AD_Forward;
    const SDKReturnCode t_InitializeResult = CoreSdk_InitializeCoordinateSystemWithDirection(t_Direction);

    if (t_CoordinateResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to initialize the Manus Core SDK coordinate system. The value returned was {}.", t_InitializeResult);
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToInitialize;

    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::RestartSDK()
    const SDKReturnCode t_ShutDownResult = CoreSdk_ShutDown();
    if (t_ShutDownResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to shutdown the SDK. The value returned was {}.", t_ShutDownResult);
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToShutDownSDK;

    const ClientReturnCode t_IntializeResult = InitializeSDK();
    if (t_IntializeResult != ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to initialize the SDK functionality. The value returned was {}.", t_IntializeResult);
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToInitialize;

    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::RegisterAllCallbacks()
    // Register the callback for when manus core is connected to the SDK
    // it is optional, but helps trigger your client nicely if needed.
    // see the function OnConnectedCallback for more details
    const SDKReturnCode t_RegisterConnectCallbackResult = CoreSdk_RegisterCallbackForOnConnect(*OnConnectedCallback);
    if (t_RegisterConnectCallbackResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to register callback function for after connecting to Manus Core. The value returned was {}.", t_RegisterConnectCallbackResult);
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToInitialize;

    // Register the callback for when manus core is disconnected to the SDK
    // it is optional, but helps trigger your client nicely if needed.
    // see OnDisconnectedCallback for more details.
    const SDKReturnCode t_RegisterDisconnectCallbackResult = CoreSdk_RegisterCallbackForOnDisconnect(*OnDisconnectedCallback);
    if (t_RegisterDisconnectCallbackResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to register callback function for after disconnecting from Manus Core. The value returned was {}.", t_RegisterDisconnectCallbackResult);
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToInitialize;

    // Register the callback for when manus core is sending Skeleton data
    // it is optional, but without it you can not see any resulting skeleton data.
    // see OnSkeletonStreamCallback for more details.
    const SDKReturnCode t_RegisterSkeletonCallbackResult = CoreSdk_RegisterCallbackForSkeletonStream(*OnSkeletonStreamCallback);
    if (t_RegisterSkeletonCallbackResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to register callback function for processing skeletal data from Manus Core. The value returned was {}.", t_RegisterSkeletonCallbackResult);
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToInitialize;

    // Register the callback for when manus core is sending landscape data
    // it is optional, but this allows for a reactive adjustment of device information.
    const SDKReturnCode t_RegisterLandscapeCallbackResult = CoreSdk_RegisterCallbackForLandscapeStream(*OnLandscapeCallback);
    if (t_RegisterLandscapeCallbackResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to register callback for landscape from Manus Core. The value returned was {}.", t_RegisterLandscapeCallbackResult);
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToInitialize;

    // Register the callback for when manus core is sending System messages
    // This is usually not used by client applications unless they want to show errors/events from core.
    // see OnSystemCallback for more details.
    const SDKReturnCode t_RegisterSystemCallbackResult = CoreSdk_RegisterCallbackForSystemStream(*OnSystemCallback);
    if (t_RegisterSystemCallbackResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to register callback function for system feedback from Manus Core. The value returned was {}.", t_RegisterSystemCallbackResult);
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToInitialize;

    // Register the callback for when manus core is sending Ergonomics data
    // it is optional, but helps trigger your client nicely if needed.
    // see OnErgonomicsCallback for more details.
    const SDKReturnCode t_RegisterErgonomicsCallbackResult = CoreSdk_RegisterCallbackForErgonomicsStream(*OnErgonomicsCallback);
    if (t_RegisterErgonomicsCallbackResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to register callback function for ergonomics data from Manus Core. The value returned was {}.", t_RegisterErgonomicsCallbackResult);
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToInitialize;

    // Register the callback for when manus core is sending Raw Skeleton data
    // it is optional, but without it you can not see any resulting skeleton data.
    // see OnSkeletonStreamCallback for more details.
    const SDKReturnCode t_RegisterRawSkeletonCallbackResult = CoreSdk_RegisterCallbackForRawSkeletonStream(*OnRawSkeletonStreamCallback);
    if (t_RegisterRawSkeletonCallbackResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to register callback function for processing raw skeletal data from Manus Core. The value returned was {}.", t_RegisterRawSkeletonCallbackResult);
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToInitialize;

    // Register the callback for when manus core is sending Raw Skeleton data
    // it is optional, but without it you can not see any resulting skeleton data.
    // see OnSkeletonStreamCallback for more details.
    const SDKReturnCode t_RegisterTrackerCallbackResult = CoreSdk_RegisterCallbackForTrackerStream(*OnTrackerStreamCallback);
    if (t_RegisterTrackerCallbackResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to register callback function for processing tracker data from Manus Core. The value returned was {}.", t_RegisterTrackerCallbackResult);
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToInitialize;
    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::PickingConnectionType()
    if (m_ConsoleClearTickCount == 0)

        bool t_BuiltInDebug = false;
        SDKReturnCode t_Result = CoreSdk_WasDllBuiltInDebugConfiguration(&t_BuiltInDebug);
        if (t_Result == SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
            if (t_BuiltInDebug)
                spdlog::warn("The DLL was built in debug configuration, please rebuild in release before releasing.");
            spdlog::error("Failed to check if the DLL was built in Debug Configuration. The value returned was {}.", t_Result);

        spdlog::info("Press a key to choose a connection type, or [ESC] to exit.");
        spdlog::info("[L] Local -> Automatically connect to Core running on this computer.");
        spdlog::info("[H] Host  -> Find a host running Core anywhere on the network.");
        spdlog::info("[G] GRPC  -> Try to connect to the preset GRPC address (See settings folder).");

    if (GetKeyDown('L'))
        spdlog::info("Picked local.");

        m_ShouldConnectLocally = true;
        m_ShouldConnectGRPC = false;
        m_State = ClientState::ClientState_LookingForHosts;
    else if (GetKeyDown('H'))
        spdlog::info("Picked host.");

        m_ShouldConnectLocally = false;
        m_ShouldConnectGRPC = false;
        m_State = ClientState::ClientState_LookingForHosts;
    if (GetKeyDown('G'))
        spdlog::info("Picked GRPC.");

        m_ShouldConnectGRPC = true;
        m_State = ClientState::ClientState_ConnectingToCore;

    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::LookingForHosts()
    spdlog::info("Looking for hosts...");

    // Underlying function will sleep for m_SecondsToFindHosts to allow servers to reply.
    const SDKReturnCode t_StartResult = CoreSdk_LookForHosts(m_SecondsToFindHosts, m_ShouldConnectLocally);
    if (t_StartResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to look for hosts. The error given was {}.", t_StartResult);

        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToFindHosts;

    m_NumberOfHostsFound = 0;
    const SDKReturnCode t_NumberResult = CoreSdk_GetNumberOfAvailableHostsFound(&m_NumberOfHostsFound);
    if (t_NumberResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to get the number of available hosts. The error given was {}.", t_NumberResult);

        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToFindHosts;

    if (m_NumberOfHostsFound == 0)
        spdlog::warn("No hosts found.");
        m_State = ClientState::ClientState_NoHostsFound;

        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToFindHosts;

    m_AvailableHosts.reset(new ManusHost[m_NumberOfHostsFound]);
    const SDKReturnCode t_HostsResult = CoreSdk_GetAvailableHostsFound(m_AvailableHosts.get(), m_NumberOfHostsFound);
    if (t_HostsResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to get the available hosts. The error given was {}.", t_HostsResult);

        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToFindHosts;
    if (m_ShouldConnectLocally)
        m_State = ClientState::ClientState_ConnectingToCore;
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

    m_State = ClientState::ClientState_PickingHost;
    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::NoHostsFound()
    if (m_ConsoleClearTickCount == 0)
        spdlog::info("No hosts were found. Retry?");
        spdlog::info("[R]   retry");
        spdlog::info("[ESC] exit");

    if (GetKeyDown('R'))

        m_State = ClientState::ClientState_PickingConnectionType;

    // Note: escape is handled by default below.
    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::PickingHost()
    if (m_ConsoleClearTickCount == 0)

        spdlog::info("[R]   retry   [ESC] exit");
        spdlog::info("Pick a host to connect to.");
        spdlog::info("Found the following hosts:");

        // Note: only 10 hosts are shown, to match the number of number keys, for easy selection.
        for (unsigned int t_HostNumber = 0; t_HostNumber < 10 && t_HostNumber < m_NumberOfHostsFound; t_HostNumber++)
                "[{}] hostname \"{}\", IP address \"{}\" Version {}.{}.{}",

    for (unsigned int t_HostNumber = 0; t_HostNumber < 10 && t_HostNumber < m_NumberOfHostsFound; t_HostNumber++)
        if (GetKeyDown('0' + t_HostNumber))
            spdlog::info("Selected host {}.", t_HostNumber);

            m_HostToConnectTo = t_HostNumber;
            m_State = ClientState::ClientState_ConnectingToCore;


    if (GetKeyDown('R'))

        m_State = ClientState::ClientState_PickingConnectionType;

    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::ConnectingToCore()
    SDKReturnCode t_ConnectResult = SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Error;

    if (m_ShouldConnectGRPC)
        t_ConnectResult = CoreSdk_ConnectGRPC();
        if (m_ShouldConnectLocally) { m_HostToConnectTo = 0; }
        t_ConnectResult = CoreSdk_ConnectToHost(m_AvailableHosts[m_HostToConnectTo]);

    if (t_ConnectResult == SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_NotConnected)
        m_State = ClientState::ClientState_NoHostsFound;

        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success; // Differentiating between error and no connect 
    if (t_ConnectResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to connect to Core. The error given was {}.", t_ConnectResult);

        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToConnect;

    m_State = ClientState::ClientState_DisplayingData;

    // Note: a log message from somewhere in the SDK during the connection process can cause text
    // to permanently turn green after this step. Adding a sleep here of 2+ seconds "fixes" the
    // issue. It seems to be caused by a threading issue somewhere, resulting in a log call being
    // interrupted while it is printing the green [info] text. The log output then gets stuck in
    // green mode.

    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::UpdateBeforeDisplayingData()

    if (m_NextSkeleton != nullptr)
        if (m_Skeleton != nullptr)delete m_Skeleton;
        m_Skeleton = m_NextSkeleton;
        m_NextSkeleton = nullptr;

    if (m_NextRawSkeleton != nullptr)
        if (m_RawSkeleton != nullptr)delete m_RawSkeleton;
        m_RawSkeleton = m_NextRawSkeleton;
        m_NextRawSkeleton = nullptr;

    if (m_NextTrackerData != nullptr)
        if (m_TrackerData != nullptr)delete m_TrackerData;
        m_TrackerData = m_NextTrackerData;
        m_NextTrackerData = nullptr;

    if (m_NewLandscape != nullptr)
        if (m_Landscape != nullptr)
            delete m_Landscape;
        m_Landscape = m_NewLandscape;
        m_NewLandscape = nullptr;

    m_FirstLeftGloveID = 0;
    m_FirstRightGloveID = 0;
    if (m_Landscape == nullptr)return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Landscape->gloveDevices.gloveCount; i++)
        if (m_FirstLeftGloveID == 0 && m_Landscape->gloveDevices.gloves[i].side == Side::Side_Left)
            m_FirstLeftGloveID = m_Landscape->gloveDevices.gloves[i].id;
        if (m_FirstRightGloveID == 0 && m_Landscape->gloveDevices.gloves[i].side == Side::Side_Right)
            m_FirstRightGloveID = m_Landscape->gloveDevices.gloves[i].id;

    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::DisplayingData()
    SPDLOG_INFO("<<Main Menu>> [ESC] quit");
    SPDLOG_INFO("[G] Go To Gloves & Dongle Menu");
    SPDLOG_INFO("[S] Go To Skeleton Menu");
    SPDLOG_INFO("[X] Go To Temporary Skeleton Menu");
    SPDLOG_INFO("[T] Go To Tracker Menu");
    SPDLOG_INFO("[D] Go To Landscape Time Info");
    SPDLOG_INFO("[J] Go To Gestures Menu");


    GO_TO_DISPLAY('G', DisplayingDataGlove);
    GO_TO_DISPLAY('S', DisplayingDataSkeleton);
    GO_TO_DISPLAY('X', DisplayingDataTemporarySkeleton);
    GO_TO_DISPLAY('T', DisplayingDataTracker);
    GO_TO_DISPLAY('D', DisplayingLandscapeTimeData);
    GO_TO_DISPLAY('J', DisplayingDataGestures);


    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::DisplayingDataGlove()
    SPDLOG_INFO("[Q] Back  <<Gloves & Dongles>> [ESC] quit");
    SPDLOG_INFO("Haptic keys: left:([1]-[5] = pinky-thumb.) right:([6]-[0] = thumb-pinky.)");





    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::DisplayingDataSkeleton()
    SPDLOG_INFO("[Q] Back  <<Skeleton>> [ESC] quit");
    SPDLOG_INFO("<Skeleton>[N] Load Skeleton [M] Unload Skeleton");
    SPDLOG_INFO("<Skeleton Haptics> left:([1]-[5] = pinky-thumb) right:([6]-[0] = thumb-pinky)");





    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::DisplayingDataTracker()
    SPDLOG_INFO("[Q] Back  <<Gloves & Dongles>> [ESC] quit");
    SPDLOG_INFO("[O] Toggle Test Tracker [G] Toggle per user tracker display");





    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::DisplayingDataTemporarySkeleton()
    SPDLOG_INFO("[Q] Back  <<Temporary Skeleton>> [ESC] quit");
    SPDLOG_INFO("<Skeleton>[A] Auto allocate chains and load skeleton");
    SPDLOG_INFO("<Skeleton>[B] Build Temporary Skeleton [C] Clear Temporary Skeleton [D] Clear All Temporary Skeletons For The Current Session");
    SPDLOG_INFO("<Skeleton>[E] Save Temporary Skeleton To File, [F] Get Temporary Skeleton From File");





    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::DisplayingLandscapeTimeData()
    SPDLOG_INFO("[Q] Back  <<Landscape Time Data>> [ESC] quit");






    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::DisplayingDataGestures()
    SPDLOG_INFO("[Q] Back  <<Gesture Data>> [ESC] quit");
    SPDLOG_INFO("<Gestures>[H] Show other Hand");







    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::DisconnectedFromCore()
    if (m_Host == nullptr) { return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToConnect; }


    auto t_Duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - m_TimeSinceLastDisconnect).count();
    spdlog::info("The SDK lost connection with Manus Core {} seconds ago.", t_Duration);
    spdlog::info("[P] Pick a new host.   [ESC] exit");


    if (m_ShouldConnectGRPC)
        spdlog::info("Automatically trying to reconnect to GRPC address.");

        ClientReturnCode t_ReconnectResult = ReconnectingToCore();
        if (t_ReconnectResult != ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToConnect)
            return t_ReconnectResult;
    else if (m_ShouldConnectLocally)
        spdlog::info("Automatically trying to reconnect to local host.");

        ClientReturnCode t_ReconnectResult = ReconnectingToCore();
        if (t_ReconnectResult != ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToConnect)
            return t_ReconnectResult;
        spdlog::info("[R] Try to reconnect to the last host {} at {}.", m_Host->hostName, m_Host->ipAddress);
        if (GetKeyDown('R'))

            ClientReturnCode t_ReconnectResult = ReconnectingToCore(m_SecondsToAttemptReconnecting, m_MaxReconnectionAttempts);
            if (t_ReconnectResult != ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToConnect)
                return t_ReconnectResult;


    if (GetKeyDown('P'))
        spdlog::info("Picking new host.");

        // Restarting and initializing CoreConnection to make sure a new connection can be set up
        const ClientReturnCode t_RestartResult = RestartSDK();
        if (t_RestartResult != ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success)
            spdlog::error("Failed to Restart CoreConnection.");
            return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToRestart;

        m_State = ClientState::ClientState_PickingConnectionType;

    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;

ClientReturnCode SDKClient::ReconnectingToCore(int32_t p_ReconnectionTime, int32_t p_ReconnectionAttempts)
    if (p_ReconnectionTime <= 0) { p_ReconnectionTime = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(); }
    if (p_ReconnectionAttempts <= 0) { p_ReconnectionAttempts = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(); }

    // Restarting and initializing CoreConnection to make sure a new connection can be set up
    const ClientReturnCode t_RestartResult = RestartSDK();
    if (t_RestartResult != ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to Restart CoreConnection.");
        return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToRestart;

    std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point t_Start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    int t_Attempt = 0;
    while ((p_ReconnectionAttempts > 0) && (p_ReconnectionTime > 0))
        spdlog::info("Trying to reconnect to {} at {}. Attempt {}.", m_Host->hostName, m_Host->ipAddress, t_Attempt);
        spdlog::info("Attempts remaining: {}. Seconds before time out: {}.", p_ReconnectionAttempts, p_ReconnectionTime);
        if (m_ShouldConnectGRPC)
            SDKReturnCode t_ConnectionResult = CoreSdk_ConnectGRPC();
            if (t_ConnectionResult == SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
                spdlog::info("Reconnected to ManusCore.");
                return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;
        else if (m_ShouldConnectLocally)
            ClientReturnCode t_ConnectionResult = LookingForHosts();
            if (t_ConnectionResult == ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success)
                spdlog::info("Reconnected to ManusCore.");
                return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;
            SDKReturnCode t_ConnectionResult = CoreSdk_ConnectToHost(*m_Host.get());
            if (t_ConnectionResult == SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
                spdlog::info("Reconnected to ManusCore.");
                return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_Success;
        p_ReconnectionTime -= static_cast<int32_t>(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - t_Start).count());

    spdlog::info("Failed to reconnect to ManusCore.");
    m_State = ClientState::ClientState_Disconnected;
    return ClientReturnCode::ClientReturnCode_FailedToConnect;

void SDKClient::PrintHandErgoData(ErgonomicsData& p_ErgoData, bool p_Left)
    const std::string t_FingerNames[NUM_FINGERS_ON_HAND] = { "[thumb] ", "[index] ", "[middle]", "[ring]  ", "[pinky] " };
    const std::string t_FingerJointNames[NUM_FINGERS_ON_HAND] = { "mcp", "pip", "dip" };
    const std::string t_ThumbJointNames[NUM_FINGERS_ON_HAND] = { "cmc", "mcp", "ip " };

    int t_DataOffset = 0;
    if (!p_Left)t_DataOffset = 20;

    const std::string* t_JointNames = t_ThumbJointNames;
    for (unsigned int t_FingerNumber = 0; t_FingerNumber < NUM_FINGERS_ON_HAND; t_FingerNumber++)
        spdlog::info("{} {} spread: {:>6}, {} stretch: {:>6}, {} stretch: {:>6}, {} stretch: {:>6} ",
        t_FingerNames[t_FingerNumber], // Name of the finger.
        RoundFloatValue([t_DataOffset], 2),
        RoundFloatValue([t_DataOffset + 1], 2),
        RoundFloatValue([t_DataOffset + 2], 2),
        RoundFloatValue([t_DataOffset + 3], 2));
        t_JointNames = t_FingerJointNames;
        t_DataOffset += 4;

void SDKClient::PrintErgonomicsData()
    // for testing purposes we only look at the first 2 gloves available
    spdlog::info(" -- Ergo Timestamp {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}.{:03d} ~ {:02d}/{:02d}/{:d}(D/M/Y)",
        m_ErgoTimestampInfo.hour, m_ErgoTimestampInfo.minute, m_ErgoTimestampInfo.second, m_ErgoTimestampInfo.fraction,, m_ErgoTimestampInfo.month, m_ErgoTimestampInfo.year);
    spdlog::info(" -- Left Glove -- 0x{:X} - Angles in degrees", m_FirstLeftGloveID);
    if ( == m_FirstLeftGloveID)
        PrintHandErgoData(m_LeftGloveErgoData, true);
        spdlog::info(" ...No Data...");
    spdlog::info(" -- Right Glove -- 0x{:X} - Angles in degrees", m_FirstRightGloveID);
    if ( == m_FirstRightGloveID)
        PrintHandErgoData(m_RightGloveErgoData, false);
        spdlog::info(" ...No Data...");


std::string ConvertDeviceClassTypeToString(DeviceClassType p_Type)
    switch (p_Type)
    case DeviceClassType_Dongle:
        return "Dongle";
    case DeviceClassType_Glove:
        return "Glove";
    case DeviceClassType_Glongle:
        return "Glongle (Glove Dongle)";
        return "Unknown";

std::string ConvertDeviceFamilyTypeToString(DeviceFamilyType p_Type)
    switch (p_Type)
    case DeviceFamilyType_Prime1:
        return "Prime 1";
    case DeviceFamilyType_Prime2:
        return "Prime 2";
    case DeviceFamilyType_PrimeX:
        return "Prime X";
    case DeviceFamilyType_Quantum:
        return "Quantum";
    case DeviceFamilyType_Prime3:
        return "Prime 3";
    case DeviceFamilyType_Virtual:
        return "Virtual";
        return "Unknown";

void SDKClient::PrintDongleData()
    // get a dongle id
    uint32_t t_DongleCount = 0;
    if (CoreSdk_GetNumberOfDongles(&t_DongleCount) != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success) return;
    if (t_DongleCount == 0) return; // we got no gloves to work on anyway!

    uint32_t* t_DongleIds = new uint32_t[t_DongleCount]();
    if (CoreSdk_GetDongleIds(t_DongleIds, t_DongleCount) != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success) return;

    DongleLandscapeData t_DongleData;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < t_DongleCount; i++)
        SDKReturnCode t_Result = CoreSdk_GetDataForDongle(t_DongleIds[i], &t_DongleData);
        spdlog::info(" -- Dongle -- 0x{:X}",;
        if (t_Result == SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
            spdlog::info(" Type: {} - {}",
            spdlog::info(" License: {}", t_DongleData.licenseType);
            spdlog::info(" ...No Data...");

void SDKClient::PrintSystemMessage()
    spdlog::info("Received System data:{} / code:{}", m_SystemMessage, m_SystemMessageCode);

void SDKClient::PrintSkeletonData()
    if (m_Skeleton == nullptr || m_Skeleton->skeletons.size() == 0)

    spdlog::info("Received Skeleton data. skeletons:{} first skeleton id:{}", m_Skeleton->skeletons.size(), m_Skeleton->skeletons[0];


void SDKClient::PrintRawSkeletonData()
    if (m_RawSkeleton == nullptr || m_RawSkeleton->skeletons.size() == 0)

    if (m_FirstLeftGloveID == 0 && m_FirstRightGloveID == 0) return; // no gloves connected to core

    uint32_t t_NodeCount = 0;
    uint32_t t_GloveId = 0;
    if (m_FirstLeftGloveID != 0)
        t_GloveId = m_FirstLeftGloveID;
        t_GloveId = m_FirstRightGloveID;
    SDKReturnCode t_Result = CoreSdk_GetRawSkeletonNodeCount(t_GloveId, t_NodeCount);
    if (t_Result != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to get Estimation Node Count. The error given was {}.", t_Result);

    // now get the hierarchy data, this can be used to reconstruct the positions of each node in case the user set up the system with a local coordinate system
    // having a node position defined as local means that this will be related to its parent 
    NodeInfo* t_NodeInfo = new NodeInfo[t_NodeCount];
    t_Result = CoreSdk_GetRawSkeletonNodeInfo(t_GloveId, t_NodeInfo);
    if (t_Result != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to get Estimation Hierarchy. The error given was {}.", t_Result);

    spdlog::info("Received Skeleton glove data from the estimation system. skeletons:{} first skeleton glove id:{}", m_RawSkeleton->skeletons.size(), m_RawSkeleton->skeletons[0].info.gloveId);


void SDKClient::PrintTrackerData()
    spdlog::info("Tracker test active: {}.", m_TrackerTest); //To show that test tracker is being sent to core
    spdlog::info("Per user tracker display: {}.", m_TrackerDataDisplayPerUser);


    if (m_TrackerDataDisplayPerUser)

    // now, as a test, print the tracker data received from the stream
    if (m_TrackerData == nullptr || m_TrackerData->trackerData.size() == 0)

    spdlog::info("Received Tracker data. number of received trackers:{} first tracker type:{}", m_TrackerData->trackerData.size(), m_TrackerData->trackerData[0].trackerType);


void SDKClient::PrintTrackerDataGlobal()
    uint32_t t_NumberOfAvailabletrackers = 0;
    SDKReturnCode t_TrackerResult = CoreSdk_GetNumberOfAvailableTrackers(&t_NumberOfAvailabletrackers);
    if (t_TrackerResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to get tracker data. The error given was {}.", t_TrackerResult);

    spdlog::info("received available trackers :{} ", t_NumberOfAvailabletrackers);

    if (t_NumberOfAvailabletrackers == 0) return; // nothing else to do.
    TrackerId* t_TrackerId = new TrackerId[t_NumberOfAvailabletrackers];
    t_TrackerResult = CoreSdk_GetIdsOfAvailableTrackers(t_TrackerId, t_NumberOfAvailabletrackers);
    if (t_TrackerResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to get tracker data. The error given was {}.", t_TrackerResult);

void SDKClient::PrintTrackerDataPerUser()
    uint32_t t_NumberOfAvailableUsers = 0;
    SDKReturnCode t_UserResult = CoreSdk_GetNumberOfAvailableUsers(&t_NumberOfAvailableUsers);
    if (t_UserResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to get user count. The error given was {}.", t_UserResult);
    if (t_NumberOfAvailableUsers == 0) return; // nothing to get yet

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < t_NumberOfAvailableUsers; i++)
        uint32_t t_NumberOfAvailabletrackers = 0;
        SDKReturnCode t_TrackerResult = CoreSdk_GetNumberOfAvailableTrackersForUserIndex(&t_NumberOfAvailabletrackers, i);
        if (t_TrackerResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
            spdlog::error("Failed to get tracker data. The error given was {}.", t_TrackerResult);

        if (t_NumberOfAvailabletrackers == 0) continue;

        spdlog::info("received available trackers for user index[{}] :{} ", i, t_NumberOfAvailabletrackers);

        if (t_NumberOfAvailabletrackers == 0) return; // nothing else to do.
        TrackerId* t_TrackerId = new TrackerId[t_NumberOfAvailabletrackers];
        t_TrackerResult = CoreSdk_GetIdsOfAvailableTrackersForUserIndex(t_TrackerId, i, t_NumberOfAvailabletrackers);
        if (t_TrackerResult != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
            spdlog::error("Failed to get tracker data. The error given was {}.", t_TrackerResult);

std::string GetFPSEnumName(TimecodeFPS p_FPS)
    switch (p_FPS)
    case TimecodeFPS::TimecodeFPS_23_976:
        return "23.976 FPS (24 dropframe)";
    case TimecodeFPS::TimecodeFPS_24:
        return "24 FPS";
    case TimecodeFPS::TimecodeFPS_25:
        return "25 FPS";
    case TimecodeFPS::TimecodeFPS_29_97:
        return "29.97 FPS (30 dropframe)";
    case TimecodeFPS::TimecodeFPS_30:
        return "30 FPS";
    case TimecodeFPS::TimecodeFPS_50:
        return "50 FPS";
    case TimecodeFPS::TimecodeFPS_59_94:
        return "59.94 FPS (60 dropframe)";
    case TimecodeFPS::TimecodeFPS_60:
        return "60 FPS";
        return "Undefined FPS";

void SDKClient::PrintLandscapeTimeData()
    spdlog::info("Total count of Interfaces: {}", m_Landscape->time.interfaceCount);
    spdlog::info("Current Interface: {} {} at index {}", m_Landscape->, m_Landscape->time.currentInterface.api, m_Landscape->time.currentInterface.index);

    spdlog::info("FPS: {}", GetFPSEnumName(m_Landscape->time.fps));
    spdlog::info("Fake signal: {} | Sync Pulse: {} | Sync Status: {}", m_Landscape->time.fakeTimecode, m_Landscape->time.useSyncPulse, m_Landscape->time.syncStatus);
    spdlog::info("Device keep alive: {} | Timecode Status: {}", m_Landscape->time.deviceKeepAlive, m_Landscape->time.timecodeStatus);


void SDKClient::PrintGestureData()
    ClientGestures* t_Gest = m_FirstLeftGloveGestures;
    std::string t_Side = "Left";
    if (!m_ShowLeftGestures)
        t_Side = "Right";
        t_Gest = m_FirstRightGloveGestures;

    if (t_Gest == nullptr)
        spdlog::info("No Gesture information for first {} glove.", t_Side);
    spdlog::info("Total count of gestures for the {} glove: {}", t_Side, t_Gest->info.totalGestureCount);
    uint32_t t_Max = t_Gest->info.totalGestureCount;
    if (t_Max > 20) t_Max = 20;
    spdlog::info("Showing result of first {} gestures.", t_Max);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < t_Max; i++)
        char* t_Name = "";
        for (uint32_t g = 0; g < m_GestureLandscapeData.size(); g++)
            if (m_GestureLandscapeData[g].id == t_Gest->probabilities[i].id)
                t_Name = m_GestureLandscapeData[g].name;
        spdlog::info("Gesture {} ({}) has a probability of {}%.", t_Name,t_Gest->probabilities[i].id, t_Gest->probabilities[i].percent * 100.0f);


void SDKClient::PrintSkeletonInfo()
    switch (m_ChainType)
    case ChainType::ChainType_FingerIndex:
        spdlog::info("received Skeleton chain type: ChainType_FingerIndex");
    case ChainType::ChainType_FingerMiddle:
        spdlog::info("received Skeleton chain type: ChainType_FingerMiddle");
    case ChainType::ChainType_FingerPinky:
        spdlog::info("received Skeleton chain type: ChainType_FingerPinky");
    case ChainType::ChainType_FingerRing:
        spdlog::info("received Skeleton chain type: ChainType_FingerRing");
    case ChainType::ChainType_FingerThumb:
        spdlog::info("received Skeleton chain type: ChainType_FingerThumb");
    case ChainType::ChainType_Hand:
        spdlog::info("received Skeleton chain type: ChainType_Hand");
    case ChainType::ChainType_Head:
        spdlog::info("received Skeleton chain type: ChainType_Head");
    case ChainType::ChainType_Leg:
        spdlog::info("received Skeleton chain type: ChainType_Leg");
    case ChainType::ChainType_Neck:
        spdlog::info("received Skeleton chain type: ChainType_Neck");
    case ChainType::ChainType_Pelvis:
        spdlog::info("received Skeleton chain type: ChainType_Pelvis");
    case ChainType::ChainType_Shoulder:
        spdlog::info("received Skeleton chain type: ChainType_Shoulder");
    case ChainType::ChainType_Spine:
        spdlog::info("received Skeleton chain type: ChainType_Spine");
    case ChainType::ChainType_Arm:
        spdlog::info("received Skeleton chain type: ChainType_Arm");
    case ChainType::ChainType_Invalid:
        spdlog::info("received Skeleton chain type: ChainType_Invalid");

void SDKClient::GetTemporarySkeletonIfModified()
    // if a temporary skeleton associated to the current session has been modified we can get it and, potentially, load it 
    if (m_ModifiedSkeletonIndex != UINT_MAX)
        // get the temporary skeleton
        uint32_t t_SessionId = m_SessionId;
        SDKReturnCode t_Res = CoreSdk_GetTemporarySkeleton(m_ModifiedSkeletonIndex, t_SessionId);
        if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
            spdlog::error("Failed to get temporary skeleton. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

        // At this point if we are satisfied with the modifications to the skeleton we can load it into Core.
        // Remember to always call function CoreSdk_ClearTemporarySkeleton after loading a temporary skeleton,
        // this will keep the temporary skeleton list in sync between Core and the SDK.

        //uint32_t t_ID = 0;
        //SDKReturnCode t_Res = CoreSdk_LoadSkeleton(m_ModifiedSkeletonIndex, &t_ID);
        //if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        //  spdlog::error("Failed to load skeleton. The error given was {}.", t_Res);
        //  return;
        //if (t_ID == 0)
        //  spdlog::error("Failed to give skeleton an ID.");
        //t_Res = CoreSdk_ClearTemporarySkeleton(m_ModifiedSkeletonIndex, m_SessionId);
        //if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        //  spdlog::error("Failed to clear temporary skeleton. The error given was {}.", t_Res);
        //  return;
        m_ModifiedSkeletonIndex = UINT_MAX;
void SDKClient::PrintTemporarySkeletonInfo()
    spdlog::info("Number of temporary skeletons in the SDK: {} ", m_TemporarySkeletons.size());

    static uint32_t t_TotalNumberOfTemporarySkeletonsInCore = 0;
    auto t_TimeSinceLastTemporarySkeletonUpdate = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - m_LastTemporarySkeletonUpdate).count();
    if (t_TimeSinceLastTemporarySkeletonUpdate < static_cast<unsigned int>(MILLISECONDS_BETWEEN_TEMPORARY_SKELETONS_UPDATE))
        spdlog::info("Total number of temporary skeletons in core: {} ", t_TotalNumberOfTemporarySkeletonsInCore);
    TemporarySkeletonCountForAllSessions t_TemporarySkeletonCountForAllSessions;
    SDKReturnCode t_Res = CoreSdk_GetTemporarySkeletonCountForAllSessions(&t_TemporarySkeletonCountForAllSessions);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to get all temporary skeletons. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    t_TotalNumberOfTemporarySkeletonsInCore = 0;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < t_TemporarySkeletonCountForAllSessions.sessionsCount; i++)
        t_TotalNumberOfTemporarySkeletonsInCore += t_TemporarySkeletonCountForAllSessions.temporarySkeletonCountForSessions[i].skeletonCount;

    // print total number of temporary skeletons:
    spdlog::info("Total number of temporary skeletons in core: {} ", t_TotalNumberOfTemporarySkeletonsInCore);
    m_LastTemporarySkeletonUpdate = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

void SDKClient::HandleHapticCommands()
    if (m_FirstLeftGloveID == 0 && m_FirstRightGloveID == 0) return; // we got no gloves to work on anyway!

    // get a dongle id
    uint32_t t_DongleId = 0;
    uint32_t t_GloveIds[2] = { 0,0 };
    uint32_t t_DongleCount = 0;
    if (CoreSdk_GetNumberOfDongles(&t_DongleCount) != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success) return;
    if (t_DongleCount == 0) return; // we got no gloves to work on anyway!

    uint32_t* t_DongleIds = new uint32_t[t_DongleCount]();
    if (CoreSdk_GetDongleIds(t_DongleIds, t_DongleCount) != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success) return;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < t_DongleCount; i++)
        // now lets see if it has gloves. otherwise its still not useful
        CoreSdk_GetGlovesForDongle(t_DongleIds[i], &t_GloveIds[0], &t_GloveIds[1]);
        if (!t_GloveIds[0] && !t_GloveIds[1]) continue;
        t_DongleId = t_DongleIds[i]; // during tests we only expect 1 or 2 gloves, so this code is ok, in more real situation we want to make sure we got the right dongle instead of the first available.
    if (t_DongleId == 0) return; // still no valid data. (though this is very unlikely) 

    ClientHapticSettings t_HapticState[NUMBER_OF_HANDS_SUPPORTED]{};
    const int t_LeftHand = 0;
    const int t_RightHand = 1;

    // The strange key number sequence here results from having gloves lie in front of you, and have the keys and haptics in the same order.
    t_HapticState[t_LeftHand].shouldHapticFinger[0] = GetKey('5'); // left thumb
    t_HapticState[t_LeftHand].shouldHapticFinger[1] = GetKey('4'); // left index
    t_HapticState[t_LeftHand].shouldHapticFinger[2] = GetKey('3'); // left middle
    t_HapticState[t_LeftHand].shouldHapticFinger[3] = GetKey('2'); // left ring
    t_HapticState[t_LeftHand].shouldHapticFinger[4] = GetKey('1'); // left pinky
    t_HapticState[t_RightHand].shouldHapticFinger[0] = GetKey('6'); // right thumb
    t_HapticState[t_RightHand].shouldHapticFinger[1] = GetKey('7'); // right index
    t_HapticState[t_RightHand].shouldHapticFinger[2] = GetKey('8'); // right middle
    t_HapticState[t_RightHand].shouldHapticFinger[3] = GetKey('9'); // right ring
    t_HapticState[t_RightHand].shouldHapticFinger[4] = GetKey('0'); // right pinky

    // Note: this timer is apparently not very accurate.
    // It is good enough for this test client, but should probably be replaced for other uses.
    static std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point s_TimeOfLastHapticsCommandSent;
    const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point s_Now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    const long long s_MillisecondsSinceLastHapticCommand = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(s_Now - s_TimeOfLastHapticsCommandSent).count();

    if (s_MillisecondsSinceLastHapticCommand < static_cast<unsigned int>(MINIMUM_MILLISECONDS_BETWEEN_HAPTICS_COMMANDS))

    const Side s_Hands[NUMBER_OF_HANDS_SUPPORTED] = { Side::Side_Left, Side::Side_Right };
    const float s_FullPower = 1.0f;

    for (unsigned int t_HandNumber = 0; t_HandNumber < NUMBER_OF_HANDS_SUPPORTED; t_HandNumber++)
        if (t_GloveIds[t_HandNumber] == 0) continue; // no glove available. skip.

        GloveLandscapeData t_Glove;
        if (CoreSdk_GetDataForGlove_UsingGloveId(t_GloveIds[t_HandNumber], &t_Glove) != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)

        if (t_Glove.familyType != DeviceFamilyType::DeviceFamilyType_Prime1)

    // This is an example that shows how to send the haptics commands based on dongle id:
    uint32_t* t_HapticsDongles = new uint32_t[MAX_NUMBER_OF_DONGLES];
    for (unsigned int t_HandNumber = 0; t_HandNumber < NUMBER_OF_HANDS_SUPPORTED; t_HandNumber++)
        uint32_t t_NumberOfHapticsDongles = 0;
        if ((CoreSdk_GetNumberOfHapticsDongles(&t_NumberOfHapticsDongles) != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success) ||
            (t_NumberOfHapticsDongles == 0))

        if (CoreSdk_GetHapticsDongleIds(t_HapticsDongles, t_NumberOfHapticsDongles) != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)

        float t_HapticsPowers[NUM_FINGERS_ON_HAND]{};
        for (unsigned int t_FingerNumber = 0; t_FingerNumber < NUM_FINGERS_ON_HAND; t_FingerNumber++)
            t_HapticsPowers[t_FingerNumber] = t_HapticState[t_HandNumber].shouldHapticFinger[t_FingerNumber] ? s_FullPower : 0.0f;

        GloveLandscapeData t_GloveLandscapeData;
        if (CoreSdk_GetDataForGlove_UsingGloveId(t_GloveIds[t_HandNumber], &t_GloveLandscapeData) != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        if (!t_GloveLandscapeData.isHaptics) // if the glove is not Haptics do not vibrate.

        CoreSdk_VibrateFingers(t_HapticsDongles[0], s_Hands[t_HandNumber], t_HapticsPowers);
    delete[] t_HapticsDongles;

void SDKClient::HandleSkeletonCommands()
    if (GetKeyDown('N'))
    if (GetKeyDown('M'))

void SDKClient::HandleSkeletonHapticCommands()
    if (m_Skeleton == nullptr || m_Skeleton->skeletons.size() == 0)

    ClientHapticSettings t_HapticState[NUMBER_OF_HANDS_SUPPORTED]{};
    const int t_LeftHand = 0;
    const int t_RightHand = 1;

    // The strange key number sequence here results from having gloves lie in front of you, and have the keys and haptics in the same order.
    t_HapticState[t_LeftHand].shouldHapticFinger[0] = GetKey('5'); // left thumb
    t_HapticState[t_LeftHand].shouldHapticFinger[1] = GetKey('4'); // left index
    t_HapticState[t_LeftHand].shouldHapticFinger[2] = GetKey('3'); // left middle
    t_HapticState[t_LeftHand].shouldHapticFinger[3] = GetKey('2'); // left ring
    t_HapticState[t_LeftHand].shouldHapticFinger[4] = GetKey('1'); // left pinky
    t_HapticState[t_RightHand].shouldHapticFinger[0] = GetKey('6'); // right thumb
    t_HapticState[t_RightHand].shouldHapticFinger[1] = GetKey('7'); // right index
    t_HapticState[t_RightHand].shouldHapticFinger[2] = GetKey('8'); // right middle
    t_HapticState[t_RightHand].shouldHapticFinger[3] = GetKey('9'); // right ring
    t_HapticState[t_RightHand].shouldHapticFinger[4] = GetKey('0'); // right pinky

    // Note: this timer is apparently not very accurate.
    // It is good enough for this test client, but should probably be replaced for other uses.
    static std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point s_TimeOfLastHapticsCommandSent;
    const std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point s_Now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    const long long s_MillisecondsSinceLastHapticCommand = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(s_Now - s_TimeOfLastHapticsCommandSent).count();

    if (s_MillisecondsSinceLastHapticCommand < static_cast<unsigned int>(MINIMUM_MILLISECONDS_BETWEEN_HAPTICS_COMMANDS))

    const Side s_Hands[NUMBER_OF_HANDS_SUPPORTED] = { Side::Side_Left, Side::Side_Right };
    const float s_FullPower = 1.0f;

    // The preferred way of sending the haptics commands is based on skeleton id

    for (unsigned int t_HandNumber = 0; t_HandNumber < NUMBER_OF_HANDS_SUPPORTED; t_HandNumber++)
        float t_HapticsPowers[NUM_FINGERS_ON_HAND]{};
        for (unsigned int t_FingerNumber = 0; t_FingerNumber < NUM_FINGERS_ON_HAND; t_FingerNumber++)
            t_HapticsPowers[t_FingerNumber] = t_HapticState[t_HandNumber].shouldHapticFinger[t_FingerNumber] ? s_FullPower : 0.0f;
        bool t_IsHaptics = false;
        if (CoreSdk_DoesSkeletonGloveSupportHaptics(m_Skeleton->skeletons[0], s_Hands[t_HandNumber], &t_IsHaptics) != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        if (!t_IsHaptics)
        CoreSdk_VibrateFingersForSkeleton(m_Skeleton->skeletons[0], s_Hands[t_HandNumber], t_HapticsPowers);

void SDKClient::HandleTemporarySkeletonCommands()
    if (GetKeyDown('A'))
    if (GetKeyDown('B'))
    if (GetKeyDown('C'))
    if (GetKeyDown('D'))
    if (GetKeyDown('E'))
    if (GetKeyDown('F'))

void SDKClient::HandleTrackerCommands()
    if (GetKeyDown('O'))
        m_TrackerTest = !m_TrackerTest;

    if (GetKeyDown('G'))
        m_TrackerDataDisplayPerUser = !m_TrackerDataDisplayPerUser;

    if (m_TrackerTest)
        m_TrackerOffset += 0.0005f;
        if (m_TrackerOffset >= 10.0f)
            m_TrackerOffset = 0.0f;

        TrackerId t_TrackerId;
        CopyString(, sizeof(, std::string("Test Tracker"));
        TrackerData t_TrackerData = {};
        t_TrackerData.isHmd = false;
        t_TrackerData.trackerId = t_TrackerId;
        t_TrackerData.trackerType = TrackerType::TrackerType_Unknown;
        t_TrackerData.position = { 0.0f, m_TrackerOffset, 0.0f };
        t_TrackerData.rotation = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
        t_TrackerData.quality = TrackerQuality::TrackingQuality_Trackable;
        TrackerData t_TrackerDatas[MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRACKERS];
        t_TrackerDatas[0] = t_TrackerData;

        const SDKReturnCode t_TrackerSend = CoreSdk_SendDataForTrackers(t_TrackerDatas, 1);
        if (t_TrackerSend != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
            spdlog::error("Failed to send tracker data. The error given was {}.", t_TrackerSend);

void SDKClient::HandleGesturesCommands()
    if (GetKeyDown('H'))
        m_ShowLeftGestures = !m_ShowLeftGestures;

NodeSetup SDKClient::CreateNodeSetup(uint32_t p_Id, uint32_t p_ParentId, float p_PosX, float p_PosY, float p_PosZ, std::string p_Name)
    NodeSetup t_Node;
    NodeSetup_Init(&t_Node); = p_Id; //Every ID needs to be unique per node in a skeleton.
    CopyString(, sizeof(, p_Name);
    t_Node.type = NodeType::NodeType_Joint;
    //Every node should have a parent unless it is the Root node.
    t_Node.parentID = p_ParentId; //Setting the node ID to its own ID ensures it has no parent.
    t_Node.settings.usedSettings = NodeSettingsFlag::NodeSettingsFlag_None;

    t_Node.transform.position.x = p_PosX;
    t_Node.transform.position.y = p_PosY;
    t_Node.transform.position.z = p_PosZ;
    return t_Node;

ManusVec3 SDKClient::CreateManusVec3(float p_X, float p_Y, float p_Z)
    ManusVec3 t_Vec;
    t_Vec.x = p_X;
    t_Vec.y = p_Y;
    t_Vec.z = p_Z;
    return t_Vec;

bool SDKClient::SetupHandNodes(uint32_t p_SklIndex)
    // Define number of fingers per hand and number of joints per finger
    const uint32_t t_NumFingers = 5;
    const uint32_t t_NumJoints = 4;

    // Create an array with the initial position of each hand node. 
    // Note, these values are just an example of node positions and refer to the hand laying on a flat surface.
    ManusVec3 t_Fingers[t_NumFingers * t_NumJoints] = {
        CreateManusVec3(0.024950f, 0.000000f, 0.025320f), //Thumb CMC joint
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.032742f), //Thumb MCP joint
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.028739f), //Thumb IP joint
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.028739f), //Thumb Tip joint

        //CreateManusVec3(0.011181f, 0.031696f, 0.000000f), //Index CMC joint // Note: we are not adding the matacarpal bones in this example, if you want to animate the metacarpals add each of them to the corresponding finger chain.
        CreateManusVec3(0.011181f, 0.000000f, 0.052904f), //Index MCP joint, if metacarpal is present: CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.052904f)
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.038257f), //Index PIP joint
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.020884f), //Index DIP joint
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.018759f), //Index Tip joint

        //CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.033452f, 0.000000f), //Middle CMC joint
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.051287f), //Middle MCP joint
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.041861f), //Middle PIP joint
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.024766f), //Middle DIP joint
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.019683f), //Middle Tip joint

        //CreateManusVec3(-0.011274f, 0.031696f, 0.000000f), //Ring CMC joint
        CreateManusVec3(-0.011274f, 0.000000f, 0.049802f),  //Ring MCP joint, if metacarpal is present: CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.049802f),
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.039736f),  //Ring PIP joint
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.023564f),  //Ring DIP joint
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.019868f),  //Ring Tip joint

        //CreateManusVec3(-0.020145f, 0.027538f, 0.000000f), //Pinky CMC joint
        CreateManusVec3(-0.020145f, 0.000000f, 0.047309f),  //Pinky MCP joint, if metacarpal is present: CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.047309f),
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.033175f),  //Pinky PIP joint
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.018020f),  //Pinky DIP joint
        CreateManusVec3(0.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.019129f),  //Pinky Tip joint

    // skeleton entry is already done. just the nodes now.
    // setup a very simple node hierarchy for fingers
    // first setup the root node
    // root, This node has ID 0 and parent ID 0, to indicate it has no parent.
    SDKReturnCode t_Res = CoreSdk_AddNodeToSkeletonSetup(p_SklIndex, CreateNodeSetup(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Hand"));
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to Add Node To Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);
        return false;

    // then loop for 5 fingers
    int t_FingerId = 0;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < t_NumFingers; i++)
        uint32_t t_ParentID = 0;
        // then the digits of the finger that are linked to the root of the finger.
        for (uint32_t j = 0; j < t_NumJoints; j++)
            t_Res = CoreSdk_AddNodeToSkeletonSetup(p_SklIndex, CreateNodeSetup(1 + t_FingerId + j, t_ParentID, t_Fingers[i * 4 + j].x, t_Fingers[i * 4 + j].y, t_Fingers[i * 4 + j].z, "fingerdigit"));
            if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
                printf("Failed to Add Node To Skeleton Setup. The error given %d.", t_Res);
                return false;
            t_ParentID = 1 + t_FingerId + j;
        t_FingerId += t_NumJoints;
    return true;

bool SDKClient::SetupHandChains(uint32_t p_SklIndex)
    // Add the Hand chain, this identifies the wrist of the hand
        ChainSettings t_ChainSettings;
        t_ChainSettings.usedSettings = ChainType::ChainType_Hand;
        t_ChainSettings.hand.handMotion = HandMotion::HandMotion_IMU;
        t_ChainSettings.hand.fingerChainIdsUsed = 5; //we will have 5 fingers
        t_ChainSettings.hand.fingerChainIds[0] = 1; //links to the other chains we will define further down
        t_ChainSettings.hand.fingerChainIds[1] = 2;
        t_ChainSettings.hand.fingerChainIds[2] = 3;
        t_ChainSettings.hand.fingerChainIds[3] = 4;
        t_ChainSettings.hand.fingerChainIds[4] = 5;

        ChainSetup t_Chain;
        ChainSetup_Init(&t_Chain); = 0; //Every ID needs to be unique per chain in a skeleton.
        t_Chain.type = ChainType::ChainType_Hand;
        t_Chain.dataType = ChainType::ChainType_Hand;
        t_Chain.side = Side::Side_Left;
        t_Chain.dataIndex = 0;
        t_Chain.nodeIdCount = 1;
        t_Chain.nodeIds[0] = 0; //this links to the hand node created in the SetupHandNodes
        t_Chain.settings = t_ChainSettings;

        SDKReturnCode t_Res = CoreSdk_AddChainToSkeletonSetup(p_SklIndex, t_Chain);
        if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
            spdlog::error("Failed to Add Chain To Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);
            return false;

    // Add the 5 finger chains
    const ChainType t_FingerTypes[5] = { ChainType::ChainType_FingerThumb,
        ChainType::ChainType_FingerPinky };
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        ChainSettings t_ChainSettings;
        t_ChainSettings.usedSettings = t_FingerTypes[i];
        t_ChainSettings.finger.handChainId = 0; //This links to the wrist chain above.
        //This identifies the metacarpal bone, if none exists, or the chain is a thumb it should be set to -1.
        //The metacarpal bone should not be part of the finger chain, unless you are defining a thumb which does need it.
        t_ChainSettings.finger.metacarpalBoneId = -1;
        t_ChainSettings.finger.useLeafAtEnd = false; //this is set to true if there is a leaf bone to the tip of the finger.
        ChainSetup t_Chain;
        ChainSetup_Init(&t_Chain); = i + 1; //Every ID needs to be unique per chain in a skeleton.
        t_Chain.type = t_FingerTypes[i];
        t_Chain.dataType = t_FingerTypes[i];
        t_Chain.side = Side::Side_Left;
        t_Chain.dataIndex = 0;
        if (i == 0) // Thumb
            t_Chain.nodeIdCount = 4; //The amount of node id's used in the array
            t_Chain.nodeIds[0] = 1; //this links to the hand node created in the SetupHandNodes
            t_Chain.nodeIds[1] = 2; //this links to the hand node created in the SetupHandNodes
            t_Chain.nodeIds[2] = 3; //this links to the hand node created in the SetupHandNodes
            t_Chain.nodeIds[3] = 4; //this links to the hand node created in the SetupHandNodes
        else // All other fingers
            t_Chain.nodeIdCount = 4; //The amount of node id's used in the array
            t_Chain.nodeIds[0] = (i * 4) + 1; //this links to the hand node created in the SetupHandNodes
            t_Chain.nodeIds[1] = (i * 4) + 2; //this links to the hand node created in the SetupHandNodes
            t_Chain.nodeIds[2] = (i * 4) + 3; //this links to the hand node created in the SetupHandNodes
            t_Chain.nodeIds[3] = (i * 4) + 4; //this links to the hand node created in the SetupHandNodes
        t_Chain.settings = t_ChainSettings;

        SDKReturnCode t_Res = CoreSdk_AddChainToSkeletonSetup(p_SklIndex, t_Chain);
        if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
            return false;
    return true;

void SDKClient::LoadTestSkeleton()
    uint32_t t_SklIndex = 0;

    SkeletonSetupInfo t_SKL;
    t_SKL.type = SkeletonType::SkeletonType_Hand;
    t_SKL.settings.scaleToTarget = true;
    t_SKL.settings.useEndPointApproximations = true;
    t_SKL.settings.targetType = SkeletonTargetType::SkeletonTargetType_UserIndexData;
    //If the user does not exist then the added skeleton will not be animated.
    //Same goes for any other skeleton made for invalid users/gloves.
    t_SKL.settings.skeletonTargetUserIndexData.userIndex = 0;

    CopyString(, sizeof(, std::string("LeftHand"));

    SDKReturnCode t_Res = CoreSdk_CreateSkeletonSetup(t_SKL, &t_SklIndex);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to Create Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // setup nodes and chains for the skeleton hand
    if (!SetupHandNodes(t_SklIndex)) return;
    if (!SetupHandChains(t_SklIndex)) return;

    // load skeleton 
    uint32_t t_ID = 0;
    t_Res = CoreSdk_LoadSkeleton(t_SklIndex, &t_ID);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to load skeleton. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    if (t_ID == 0)
        spdlog::error("Failed to give skeleton an ID.");

void SDKClient::UnloadTestSkeleton()
    if (m_LoadedSkeletons.size() == 0)
        spdlog::error("There was no skeleton for us to unload.");
    SDKReturnCode t_Res = CoreSdk_UnloadSkeleton(m_LoadedSkeletons[0]);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to unload skeleton. The error given was {}.", t_Res);


void SDKClient::AllocateChains()
    m_ChainType = ChainType::ChainType_Invalid;

    uint32_t t_SklIndex = 0;

    SkeletonSettings t_Settings;
    t_Settings.scaleToTarget = true;
    t_Settings.targetType = SkeletonTargetType::SkeletonTargetType_UserData;
    t_Settings.skeletonTargetUserData.userID = 0;

    SkeletonSetupInfo t_SKL;
    SkeletonSetupInfo_Init(&t_SKL); = 0;
    t_SKL.type = SkeletonType::SkeletonType_Hand;
    t_SKL.settings = t_Settings;
    CopyString(, sizeof(, std::string("hand"));

    SDKReturnCode t_Res = CoreSdk_CreateSkeletonSetup(t_SKL, &t_SklIndex);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to Create Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // setup nodes for the skeleton hand

    // allocate chains for skeleton 
    t_Res = CoreSdk_AllocateChainsForSkeletonSetup(t_SklIndex);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to allocate chains for skeleton. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // get the skeleton info
    SkeletonSetupArraySizes t_SkeletonInfo;
    t_Res = CoreSdk_GetSkeletonSetupArraySizes(t_SklIndex, &t_SkeletonInfo);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to get info about skeleton. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    ChainSetup* t_Chains = new ChainSetup[t_SkeletonInfo.chainsCount];
    // now get the chain data
    t_Res = CoreSdk_GetSkeletonSetupChains(t_SklIndex, t_Chains);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to get skeleton setup chains. The error given was {}.", t_Res);
        delete[] t_Chains;
    // as proof store the first chain type
    m_ChainType = t_Chains[0].dataType;

    // but since we want to cleanly load the skeleton without holding everything up
    // we need to set its side first
    for (size_t i = 0; i < t_SkeletonInfo.chainsCount; i++)
        if (t_Chains[i].dataType == ChainType::ChainType_Hand)
            t_Chains[i].side = Side::Side_Left; // we're just picking a side here. 

            t_Res = CoreSdk_OverwriteChainToSkeletonSetup(t_SklIndex, t_Chains[i]);
            if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
                spdlog::error("Failed to overwrite Chain To Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);
                delete[] t_Chains;
            break; // no need to continue checking the others.
    // cleanup
    delete[] t_Chains;

    // load skeleton so it is done. 
    uint32_t t_ID = 0;
    t_Res = CoreSdk_LoadSkeleton(t_SklIndex, &t_ID);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to load skeleton. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    if (t_ID == 0)
        spdlog::error("Failed to give skeleton an ID.");

void SDKClient::BuildTemporarySkeleton()
    // define the session Id for which we want to save  
    // in this example we want to save a skeleton for the current session so we use our own Session Id
    uint32_t t_SessionId = m_SessionId;

    bool t_IsSkeletonModified = false; // this bool is set to true by the Dev Tools after saving any modification to the skeleton, 
    // this triggers the OnSyStemCallback which is used in the SDK to be notified about a change to its temporary skeletons.
    // for the purpose of this example setting this bool to true is not really necessary.

    // first create a skeleton setup of type Body
    uint32_t t_SklIndex = 0;

    SkeletonSettings t_Settings;
    t_Settings.scaleToTarget = true;
    t_Settings.targetType = SkeletonTargetType::SkeletonTargetType_UserData;
    t_Settings.skeletonTargetUserData.userID = 0; // this needs to be a real user Id when retargeting, when editing the temporary skeleton this may (hopefully) not cause issues

    SkeletonSetupInfo t_SKL;
    SkeletonSetupInfo_Init(&t_SKL); = 0;
    t_SKL.type = SkeletonType::SkeletonType_Body;
    t_SKL.settings = t_Settings;
    CopyString(, sizeof(, std::string("body"));

    SDKReturnCode t_Res = CoreSdk_CreateSkeletonSetup(t_SKL, &t_SklIndex);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to Create Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);
    //Add 3 nodes to the skeleton setup
    t_Res = CoreSdk_AddNodeToSkeletonSetup(t_SklIndex, CreateNodeSetup(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "root"));
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to Add Node To Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    t_Res = CoreSdk_AddNodeToSkeletonSetup(t_SklIndex, CreateNodeSetup(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, "branch"));
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to Add Node To Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    t_Res = CoreSdk_AddNodeToSkeletonSetup(t_SklIndex, CreateNodeSetup(2, 1, 0, 2, 0, "leaf"));
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to Add Node To Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    //Add one chain of type Leg to the skeleton setup
    ChainSettings t_ChainSettings;
    t_ChainSettings.usedSettings = ChainType::ChainType_Leg;
    t_ChainSettings.leg.footForwardOffset = 0;
    t_ChainSettings.leg.footSideOffset = 0;
    t_ChainSettings.leg.reverseKneeDirection = false;
    t_ChainSettings.leg.kneeRotationOffset = 0;

    ChainSetup t_Chain;
    ChainSetup_Init(&t_Chain); = 0;
    t_Chain.type = ChainType::ChainType_Leg;
    t_Chain.dataType = ChainType::ChainType_Leg;
    t_Chain.dataIndex = 0;
    t_Chain.nodeIdCount = 3;
    t_Chain.nodeIds[0] = 0;
    t_Chain.nodeIds[1] = 1;
    t_Chain.nodeIds[2] = 2;
    t_Chain.settings = t_ChainSettings;
    t_Chain.side = Side::Side_Left;

    t_Res = CoreSdk_AddChainToSkeletonSetup(t_SklIndex, t_Chain);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to Add Chain To Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // save the temporary skeleton 
    t_Res = CoreSdk_SaveTemporarySkeleton(t_SklIndex, t_SessionId, t_IsSkeletonModified);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to save temporary skeleton. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // if we want to go on with the modifications to the same temporary skeleton 
    // get the skeleton
    t_Res = CoreSdk_GetTemporarySkeleton(t_SklIndex, t_SessionId);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to get temporary skeleton. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // now add second chain to the same temporary skeleton
    t_ChainSettings.usedSettings = ChainType::ChainType_Head; = 1;
    t_Chain.type = ChainType::ChainType_Head;
    t_Chain.dataType = ChainType::ChainType_Head;
    t_Chain.dataIndex = 0;
    t_Chain.nodeIdCount = 1;
    t_Chain.nodeIds[0] = 0;
    t_Chain.settings = t_ChainSettings;
    t_Chain.side = Side::Side_Center;

    t_Res = CoreSdk_AddChainToSkeletonSetup(t_SklIndex, t_Chain);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to Add Chain To Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // save the temporary skeleton 
    t_Res = CoreSdk_SaveTemporarySkeleton(t_SklIndex, t_SessionId, t_IsSkeletonModified);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to save temporary skeleton. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // get the skeleton info (number of nodes and chains for that skeleton)
    SkeletonSetupArraySizes t_SkeletonInfo;
    t_Res = CoreSdk_GetSkeletonSetupArraySizes(t_SklIndex, &t_SkeletonInfo);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to get info about skeleton. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // now get the chain data
    ChainSetup* t_Chains = new ChainSetup[t_SkeletonInfo.chainsCount];
    t_Res = CoreSdk_GetSkeletonSetupChains(t_SklIndex, t_Chains);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to get skeleton setup chains. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // get the node data 
    NodeSetup* t_Nodes = new NodeSetup[t_SkeletonInfo.nodesCount];
    t_Res = CoreSdk_GetSkeletonSetupNodes(t_SklIndex, t_Nodes);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to get skeleton setup nodes. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // just as an example try to get the skeleton setup info
    SkeletonSetupInfo t_SKeletonSetupInfo;
    t_Res = CoreSdk_GetSkeletonSetupInfo(t_SklIndex, &t_SKeletonSetupInfo);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to overwrite Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // if we want to modify the skeleton setup or if we want to apply some changes to the chains or nodes:
    // first overwrite the existing skeleton setup and then re-add all the chains and nodes to it
    t_Settings.targetType = SkeletonTargetType::SkeletonTargetType_GloveData;

    t_SKL.settings = t_Settings;
    CopyString(, sizeof(, std::string("body2"));

    // this way we overwrite the temporary skeleton with index t_SklIndex with the modified skeleton setup
    t_Res = CoreSdk_OverwriteSkeletonSetup(t_SklIndex, t_SKL);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to overwrite Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // modify chains and nodes
    t_Chains[0].side = Side::Side_Right;
    t_Nodes[0].type = NodeType::NodeType_Mesh;

    // add all the existing nodes to the new skeleton setup
    for (size_t i = 0; i < t_SkeletonInfo.nodesCount; i++)
        t_Res = CoreSdk_AddNodeToSkeletonSetup(t_SklIndex, t_Nodes[i]);
        if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
            spdlog::error("Failed to Add Node To Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // then add all the existing chains to the new skeleton setup
    for (size_t i = 0; i < t_SkeletonInfo.chainsCount; i++)
        t_Res = CoreSdk_AddChainToSkeletonSetup(t_SklIndex, t_Chains[i]);
        if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
            spdlog::error("Failed to Add Chains To Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // cleanup
    delete[] t_Chains;
    delete[] t_Nodes;

    // save temporary skeleton 
    // in the Dev Tools this bool is set to true when saving the temporary skeleton, this triggers OnSystemCallback which 
    // notifies the SDK sessions about a modifications to one of their temporary skeletons.
    // setting the bool to true in this example is not really necessary, it's just for testing purposes.
    t_IsSkeletonModified = true;
    t_Res = CoreSdk_SaveTemporarySkeleton(t_SklIndex, t_SessionId, t_IsSkeletonModified);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to save temporary skeleton. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

void SDKClient::ClearTemporarySkeleton()
    // clear the first element of the temporary skeleton list
    if (m_TemporarySkeletons.size() == 0)
        spdlog::error("There are no Temporary Skeletons to clear!");
    uint32_t t_SklIndex = m_TemporarySkeletons[0];
    SDKReturnCode t_Res = CoreSdk_ClearTemporarySkeleton(t_SklIndex, m_SessionId);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to Clear Temporary Skeleton. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

void SDKClient::ClearAllTemporarySkeletons()
    if (m_TemporarySkeletons.size() == 0)
        spdlog::error("There are no Temporary Skeletons to clear!");
    SDKReturnCode t_Res = CoreSdk_ClearAllTemporarySkeletons();
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to Clear All Temporary Skeletons. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

void SDKClient::SaveTemporarySkeletonToFile()
    // this example shows how to save a temporary skeleton to a file
    // first create a temporary skeleton:

    // define the session Id for which we want to save  
    uint32_t t_SessionId = m_SessionId;

    bool t_IsSkeletonModified = false; // setting this bool to true is not necessary here, it is mostly used by the Dev Tools
    // to notify the SDK sessions about their skeleton being modified.

    // first create a skeleton setup
    uint32_t t_SklIndex = 0;

    SkeletonSetupInfo t_SKL;
    t_SKL.type = SkeletonType::SkeletonType_Hand;
    t_SKL.settings.scaleToTarget = true;
    t_SKL.settings.targetType = SkeletonTargetType::SkeletonTargetType_GloveData;
    t_SKL.settings.skeletonTargetUserIndexData.userIndex = 0;

    CopyString(, sizeof(, std::string("LeftHand"));

    SDKReturnCode t_Res = CoreSdk_CreateSkeletonSetup(t_SKL, &t_SklIndex);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to Create Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // setup nodes and chains for the skeleton hand
    if (!SetupHandNodes(t_SklIndex)) return;
    if (!SetupHandChains(t_SklIndex)) return;

    // save the temporary skeleton 
    t_Res = CoreSdk_SaveTemporarySkeleton(t_SklIndex, t_SessionId, t_IsSkeletonModified);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to save temporary skeleton. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // now compress the temporary skeleton data and get the size of the compressed data:
    uint32_t t_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes;

    t_Res = CoreSdk_CompressTemporarySkeletonAndGetSize(t_SklIndex, t_SessionId, &t_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to compress temporary skeleton and get size. The error given was {}.", t_Res);
    unsigned char* t_TemporarySkeletonData = new unsigned char[t_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes];

    // get the array of bytes with the compressed temporary skeleton data, remember to always call function CoreSdk_CompressTemporarySkeletonAndGetSize
    // before trying to get the compressed temporary skeleton data
    t_Res = CoreSdk_GetCompressedTemporarySkeletonData(t_TemporarySkeletonData, t_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to get compressed temporary skeleton data. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // now save the data into a .mskl file
    // as an example we save the temporary skeleton in a folder called ManusTemporarySkeleton inside the documents directory
    // get the path for the documents directory
    std::string t_DirectoryPathString = GetDocumentsDirectoryPath_UTF8();

    // create directory name and file name for storing the temporary skeleton
    std::string t_DirectoryPath =
        + s_SlashForFilesystemPath
        + "ManusTemporarySkeleton";


    std::string t_DirectoryPathAndFileName =
        + s_SlashForFilesystemPath
        + "TemporarySkeleton.mskl";

    // write the temporary skeleton data to .mskl file
    std::ofstream t_File = GetOutputFileStream(t_DirectoryPathAndFileName);
    t_File.write((char*)t_TemporarySkeletonData, t_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes);

    t_Res = CoreSdk_ClearTemporarySkeleton(t_SklIndex, t_SessionId);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to Clear Temporary Skeleton after saving. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

void SDKClient::GetTemporarySkeletonFromFile()
    // this example shows how to load a temporary skeleton data from a file

    // as an example we try to get the temporary skeleton data previously saved as .mskl file in directory Documents/ManusTemporarySkeleton
    // get the path for the documents directory
    std::string t_DirectoryPathString = GetDocumentsDirectoryPath_UTF8();

    // check if directory exists
    std::string t_DirectoryPath =
        + s_SlashForFilesystemPath
        + "ManusTemporarySkeleton";

    if (!DoesFolderOrFileExist(t_DirectoryPath))
        SPDLOG_WARN("Failed to read from client file, the mentioned directory does not exist");

    // create string with file name
    std::string t_DirectoryPathAndFileName =
        + s_SlashForFilesystemPath
        + "TemporarySkeleton.mskl";

    // read from file
    std::ifstream t_File = GetInputFileStream(t_DirectoryPathAndFileName);

    if (!t_File)
        SPDLOG_WARN("Failed to read from client file, the file does not exist in the mentioned directory");

    // get file dimension
    t_File.seekg(0, t_File.end);
    int t_FileLength = (int)t_File.tellg();
    t_File.seekg(0, t_File.beg);

    // get temporary skeleton data from file
    unsigned char* t_TemporarySkeletonData = new unsigned char[t_FileLength];*)t_TemporarySkeletonData, t_FileLength);

    // save the zipped temporary skeleton information, they will be used internally for sending the data to Core
    uint32_t t_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes = t_FileLength;

    if (t_TemporarySkeletonData == nullptr)
        SPDLOG_WARN("Failed to read the compressed temporary skeleton data from file");
        delete[] t_TemporarySkeletonData;

    // create a skeleton setup where we will store the temporary skeleton retrieved from file
    SkeletonSetupInfo t_SKL;
    uint32_t t_SklIndex = 0;
    SDKReturnCode t_Res = CoreSdk_CreateSkeletonSetup(t_SKL, &t_SklIndex);
    if (t_Res != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        spdlog::error("Failed to Create Skeleton Setup. The error given was {}.", t_Res);

    // associate the retrieved temporary skeleton to the current session id
    uint32_t t_SessionId = m_SessionId;

    // load the temporary skeleton data retrieved from the zipped file and save it with index t_SklIndex and session id of the current session
    SDKReturnCode t_Result = CoreSdk_GetTemporarySkeletonFromCompressedData(t_SklIndex, t_SessionId, t_TemporarySkeletonData, t_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes);
    if (t_Result != SDKReturnCode::SDKReturnCode_Success)
        SPDLOG_WARN("Failed to load temporary skeleton data from client file in Core, the error code was: {}.", t_Result);

    delete[] t_TemporarySkeletonData;

void SDKClient::TestTimestamp()
    ManusTimestamp t_TS;
    ManusTimestampInfo t_TSInfo;
    t_TSInfo.fraction = 69;
    t_TSInfo.second = 6;
    t_TSInfo.minute = 9;
    t_TSInfo.hour = 6; = 9;
    t_TSInfo.month = 6;
    t_TSInfo.year = 6969;
    t_TSInfo.timecode = true;

    CoreSdk_SetTimestampInfo(&t_TS, t_TSInfo);

    ManusTimestampInfo t_TSInfo2;
    CoreSdk_GetTimestampInfo(t_TS, &t_TSInfo2);

void SDKClient::RemoveIndexFromTemporarySkeletonList(uint32_t p_Idx)
    for (int i = 0; i < m_TemporarySkeletons.size(); i++)
        if (m_TemporarySkeletons[i] == p_Idx)
            m_TemporarySkeletons.erase(m_TemporarySkeletons.begin() + i);